This year is set to be a great one. I have already planned some exciting things with friends and family and have many things I want to do. In our last Lipstick & Liquor (my YouTube channel I share with my bestie Laura) video I discussed some goals that I wanted to achieve in 2016, I am going to add to that list and elaborate on a few here:
1. Wear lipstick more often.
This may seem trivial and weird to you, but I have reasons, so hear me out. I love makeup and I thoroughly enjoy applying it and finding fun new products. I am also not very confident with how people view others that wear a lot of makeup, especially bright or darker shades of lipstick. I want to get out of my comfort zone, hence wanting to wear lipstick more. I have so many nice, expensive ones and I only wear them in videos or when I go to fancy events. I think that I should consider everyday as a fancy occasion.
2. Find my personal style.
I am very plain when it comes to my clothing choices, you could even say safe. I sit on Pinterest and pin clothing that I love, but would never try. I have it ingrained in my head that big girls should cover up and wear what society has laid out for them, but why? I want to step out and carve a niche that is flattering and stylish. I want to invest in statement and quality, but more importantly, I want clothes to be fun and not feel like a chore any more.
3. Become a morning person.
I hate mornings. I hate waking up. I love sleep and staying up late. I think as a kid I tried to stay up as late as possible because I had major FOMO (fear of missing out), now it has caught up to me in my adult years. If you have any tips to making this happen, I am all ears.
4. Go for a walk 3 times a week.
Anyone who lives in Manitoba knows this is no easy feat in winter months. I want to become more active and start some building blocks of a different lifestyle for after my bariatric surgery, and I believe this is a great start. Eventually, I have a long-term goal of becoming a runner, but baby steps.
5. Declutter.
I want to declutter everything. My things, my life, my desktop. I am currently reading a book called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
. I haven't finished it yet, but the theory seems simple; tidy things, tidy life, tidy mind. We could all use a clear mind.
6. Read More.
I have always been a reader, but the last few years I have slacked on reading. I enjoy classics and modern tales. I have a shelf full of books just waiting to be cracked open and I plan on reading all of them this year and maybe more. I am planning on doing book reviews on here, so stay tuned for that.
7. YouTube.
I don't have a clear cut idea of how I want this new thing in my life to go. I love YouTube and editing video, creating something with one of my best friends and having something to be proud of. I want to reach people and give them something to enjoy just like I do with my favourite creators. I want to succeed and make a community of like-minded people. So that's my goal, create a community with our channel.
8. Do more things that don't cost anything.
I talked about this one in the video we made. I want to travel as much as possible, with as little funds as possible. This may seem hard, but some of my best memories of trips is doing the things that didn't cost anything. I love exploring parks, and down-town areas of cities. I enjoy driving to new places and blasting the radio as I go. I like baking and crafting. I am tired of relying on the commercial and materialistic for entertainment.
9. Feel better.
This past year, I finally sorted all my health stuff out and am now on a path to being as healthy as possible. I want to get to a point where I don't have bad days, I want to remain on an even keel and not be stunted by problems I have no control over.
10. Get out of my rut.
With all the health things that have gone on and with some less than ideal financial things, I have gotten into a rut and stayed there. I have been doing what is normal and comfortable. I don't want to be here. Revitalizing this blog and my YouTube channel are helping immensely and I have nowhere to go but up, so I am confident that this will change.
Well, that's it for this year, a little lofty maybe, but all more realistic than my usual ideas. Let me know in the comments if you have any tips on making them happen, or let me know what your goals are and maybe I can provide some advice.