
Motivational Monday #8: Limbo

Monday, March 31, 2014

I am currently at a point in my life that I am not very comfortable with. I call it Limbo. I have recently graduated and am still trying to further my education to ensure a stable career. I do not have a significant other and I am happy with that. I am living at home, attempting to save money and pay down student debt. I have a job, maybe not my forever job, but a job in my field nonetheless. What I find discomforting is that all of my friends seem to be leaps and bounds ahead of me. Most are living on their own, most are in relationships with the people they are probably going to be with for the long haul and some even have mortgages and back yards. I can't help but feel slightly behind and somewhat envious of where they are. 
What I have come to realize, quite recently, is that maybe I can't compare where I am with where they are. Maybe things that I find hard right now seem to come easy to them because they got a head start. Maybe things that I find easy, are what they struggle with. You can never compare your life to someone else, because that's just it, its your life. Its how you live that counts. 

So maybe I don't have that cute apartment or that perfect husband, but I do have a nice new car, I have a job with new friends and I am content for the moment. I am in Limbo, but it is my beginning and that will change soon.


Motivational Monday #7 - Alright, Alright, Alright

Monday, March 24, 2014

Gratitude, thankful, appreciation. They all generally mean the same thing. Being grateful for what you have in life will only make you a better person. In his acceptance speech at the Oscars this year, Matthew McConaughey stated "It's a scientific fact that Gratitude Reciprocates". If you are thankful and appreciate your life, people in your life, your struggles, your wins, your opportunities, it will be worth it.

 Karma plays a big part. Even if you don't believe in karma, you have to realize the potential in not holding on to things, or grudges. What ever you believe in, whether it be god, aliens or evolution it has been proven that if you pay it forward, it will come back to you. This can be said for good or bad. Keep this in mind with how you live your life. Don't perpetuate hate, don't keep a rumor mill turning. You are in charge of your life and how you live it, just know that someone, somewhere is watching. That someone could even be your future self and you do not want to live with regret, it just weighs you down and eventually will swallow you whole.

Ok I am rambling now. Final words: Gratitude really does change everything.

Feeling inspired, share this with all your friends so they can be inspired by you!

Finally....Vegas Photo Journal!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

I have to re-do the slideshow, coming soon...again.

Following My Own Advice...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

On Monday, I wrote about being complacent and board and I realized, sitting at work today, that I do not follow my own advice. This blog was meant to spark some adventure and spice into my life and instead I am writing like I have, but truth be told I am my own worst enemy.

I have decided that no matter how tired I am after work and doing school work, I am going to attempt to leave my house every evening. This does not have to be to go out, or go to dinner or spend money (of which I don't have). I just want to start LIVING. I am stuck in a rut and I want you to be my motivation. I need to have things to tell you about or you will all stop reading. 

In the comments or on twitter, tell me stuff that I should do or try. Keep in mind a budget as I am still trying to pay off my huge shopping spree I took in Vegas. Speaking of, expect my long awaited photo journal of my trip coming this weekend! I promise!!

Motivational Monday # 6 - Success and Complacency

Monday, March 17, 2014

What are you doing right now? Reading my blog, right? Well i mean in general. Are you in a job you hate, are you with a person that makes you complacent, do you live in a place that your content with?

I was watching one of my favourite YouTube vloggers, the Shaytards last week. They were doing a live show to celebrate hitting 5 years of daily vlogs. Something that they said really struck a chord with me. Don't do what you do to make money, do what you love and the success will come. They are perfect examples of this. The Shaytards started out living in a small house in Utah, loaded with debt and both working in jobs they hated. One day they created a YouTube channel, now five years in the future they have 5 kids, own two homes, live in California, are debt free and own a multi-million dollar internet production company.

Now not everyone is going to achieve the success they have, but what they have taught me in their vlogs is that choosing to be happy is the first step in having the life you always wanted. If you are at a job you hate, your never going to succeed at it. So if you really enjoy something and are passionate about it, don't be afraid to pursue it. Don't be complacent, you're worth it. Your sanity will thank you later.

I am doing what I love right now. I never took the time to realize it, but I really enjoy writing. This blog is allowing me to test my limits and skills. Now, my sister will tell you straight away that I have awful grammar and I never check my work before hitting publish, but so what, practice makes you better. I say better because you should improve and learn your whole life, if you become perfect at something and stop learning you will have nothing to strive for, nothing to dream about, and what fun would that be?

If you felt motivated by this please be sure to use the buttons below and share it with people you think need some motivation today.

Motivational Monday #5 - I'm Back!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Happy Monday All! 

After a short hiatus, I have returned to flood your life with positivity and such. Today's lesson really pertains to that, time off. Everyone needs to recharge sometimes and taking the time to do that will give you that much needed boost in all aspects of your life.

In the time since I returned from my vacation I have noticed that not only am I more efficient at work, I have seen a boost in my social calendar as well. Before I left I was too tired at the end of my day to even think about seeing friends or even going to dinner or a movie. Now I feel refreshed and ready to seize the day so to speak. So I encourage you all to take some time just for you, not necessarily go on a trip, but go and do something you like to do, something you are doing just for yourself. You will feel much better overall. 
Now with that comes some housekeeping. Our schedule is changing for a little bit. Over the last month, Just Paige has seen a tremendous amount of new readers, with that I want to make sure the content I am providing is top notch. For now, I will be posting 3 times a week with a fairly randomized schedule. I will still be posting Motivational Monday as everyone needs a Monday boost!

If you have any requests for posts, reviews or series I should consider, please post a comment below! As always if you liked what you read here, please share this post on your various social media pages, we need to build our army!

PS...My Vegas travel post is coming, I had to wait for a few things. Should be up sometime this week!
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